I'm originally from Kansas, but joined the Air Force in 1993 and spent the next twenty-one years serving in various places around the world. After retiring my family settle down in Pensacola, Florida where we have lived ever since. I graduated from Columbia College with a degree in history while on active duty and attended the University of West Florida after retiring in pursuit a master's degree. I worked as a history teacher in the Pensacola schools until deciding to retire and to put my energy towards writing. When I'm not doing that, I believe in advancing the cause of equality, education, sustainability and honest government. If you're interested in supporting me and other writers on Medium with a paid membership you can use this link. A portion of your subscription cost will go to me, but at no additional cost to you. Join Medium with my referral link - Scott Trotter

Editor of View From Space
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Scott Trotter

Scott Trotter

Retired Air Force, former history teacher, and occasional political activist.